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Material Design IconsGetting Started

New? Learn how to get started quickly!

Getting Started with Material Design Icons

Get started using Material Design Icons in your designs, app, or web site.

Getting Started with Android

Easily use Material Design Icons in your Android app by using a library or the raw SVGs.

Getting Started with Angular

Material Design Icons can be used in Angular following this guide.

Getting Started with AngularJS

Material Design Icons can be used in AngularJS following this guide.

Getting Started with Ember

Material Design Icons can be used in your Ember app via an addon.

Getting Started with Figma

Use Material Design Icons in your Figma designs with the official plugin.

Getting Started with PHP

Material Design Icons can be used in PHP or Twig using a simple helper class.

Getting Started with Polymer

Material Design Icons can be used in Polymer with the iron-icon web component.

Getting Started with React

Material Design Icons can be used in React with our first-party module.

Getting Started with Rollup.js

Material Design Icons takes advantage of tree-shaking in Rollup.js.

Getting Started with Ruby on Rails

Material Design Icons can be used in Ruby on Rails with the use of a gem.

Getting Started with Svelte

Material Design Icons can be used with the Svelte Icon Component.

Getting Started with SVGs

Material Design Icons are SVGs, so they are the preferred way to consume the icons.

Getting Started with the Webfont

Material Design Icons can be implemented into web sites using a webfont.

Getting Started with Visual Studio Code

Material Design Icons can be used in VSCode with the Intellisense extension.

Getting Started with Vue.js

Material Design Icons can be used with the Vue Icon Component.

Getting Started with Web Components

Material Design Icons can be used with SvgIcon Web Component.

Getting Started with Webpack

Material Design Icons takes advantage of tree-shaking in Webpack.

Getting Started with Windows

Material Design Icons can be used with the Universal Windows Platform and WPF.

Getting Started with Xamarin

Material Design Icons can be used with Xamarin with the TrueType files.